We have several news stories to report today... Kentucky state lawmakers passed the barrel tax phaseout bill last night. It'll now phase out the tax over a 20-year period, and the bill goes to Gov. Andy Beshear for his signature. (UPDATE: He signed the bill into law this afternoon.) Canadian officials have decided to limit the automatic tax hike on spirits that takes effect tomorrow to 2%. It's normally indexed to inflation, and was scheduled to rise 6.3%. The excise tax hike is usually passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices. Finally, Sazerac's John Lunn passed away yesterday. He was the master distiller at George Dickel for many years until leaving to join what became Sazerac's J&A Bond Distillery in Tennessee. For the last six years, he and Allisa Henley have been laying down stocks of Tennessee Whiskey for a future release. He was a great guy, and will be missed. We'll have more on these and other stories on this weekend's episode of WhiskyCast.

Posted by Mark at 2023-03-31 17:13:48 UTC