PLEASE READ Just a quick word regarding the launch with the Apple App Store... You are welcome to invite whisky friends and club members. When you do so, please share that the registration process IS a bit long but they can go back and fill in the profile information after registration but the REQUIRED information must be filled out. This is a soft we would like to welcome them in and run with up to 500 people for a week or two to make sure we have all the proper pieces in place. Please do not share on **the other** social platforms or on forums. Let me know if there are any concerns -- my DMs are always open! As an FYI, a few bots have attempted registration, and therefore, I have changed the registration process by adding a second birth year confirmation. It reads: "IMPORTANT: You must confirmed birth year within 24 hours, or account will be deleted. This is a firm requirement to keep our community legal, safe, and human." Let me know if there are any concerns -- my DMs are always open!

Posted by Christina at 2023-02-18 12:31:08 UTC