This is a graphic with screenshots of screenshots, but you should get the idea.... Yup, that is what you THINK it for the app stores! I will update after we submit, but as we run up to the submission, there are a few things I would ask each of you to do, please. 1. Please wander into the EXPLORE whisky content and DM me ANY issues, including word deletions (I am famous for thinking more quickly than I type, and Mark is weary from catching my mistakes). This goes double time for any concerns you might have before we go live. 2. Please complete your bio and post a photo at the level you are comfortable. Here is our current rough plan: Submission this week -- barring any identification thief (looking at you, APPLE), or other extraordinary issues. That puts us in the app stores on or around February 14 (♥️). You will need to download the app from the App Store, and then delete the beta (not 100 percent clear on whether it will auto-delete...will get back to you on that.) Once there, you can all personally invite some friends....but please do not mention on traditional social media. Next, it would be exceedingly helpful and we would sincerely appreciate you WRITING a review in the app stores. We ask for honest reviews only. We would like to run at that level for about a week...letting people who discover the app or who are invited join in the discussion. After a week -- on or around February 26 -- episode 993 for those of you tracking it -- we will announce it on the podcast, with other promotional follow ups as needed. So----please poke holes in the rough plan as needed....if there is one thing I have affirmed in this process it is that it is impossible to think of everything! Once again, however inadequate it is, I thank you for your help and participation. Who wants to have a nice party in Philly this spring? Pretty sure we'd have an awesome bar....

Posted by Christina at 2023-02-07 21:03:18 UTC