SWA has requested that the UK Govt listen to their campaign to look after a home grown industry. “We asked the UK Government to keep the commitment they made to support our industry... ... Will they deliver in the 2023 Autumn Statement? In the 2023 Spring Budget the Scotch Whisky industry was hit with a 10.1% tax increase, growing the tax burden to 75% of the average priced bottle and widening the difference between the taxation of spirits compared to other categories of alcohol. We know that the 10.1% duty hike in August led to alcohol making the largest contribution to inflation on record. That doesn’t help HM Treasury in meeting the objective of halving inflation, it doesn’t help our industry to invest, and it doesn’t help businesses and households struggling with rising costs.” https://www.scotch-whisky.org.uk/insights/uk-excise-duty/

Posted by iainbruce83 at 2023-10-17 06:21:56 UTC