Happy Thursday, Friends! My apologies for being MIA on the groups but I have been digging into the podcast playback issue. If a few of you could click the link to test them out today, I would appreciate it! Thank you -- please leave feedback in the comments on each episode. Note: The button the master podcast listing (thus far)...so also checking to see if you can logically find the episodes. No, you do not need to re-listen to anything....if it plays back, then we know the new link and file structures are sound. Also, huge shout out to @eliasaoude for the help with the playback button he helped me... (everybody close your ears and eyes to the non-whisky speak) unfortunately, it looks like this markdown code is not HTML but rather JS (?) and I couldn't get it to work, so I guess we test the workaround I tried? IDK. It's 4:28. Mark left for Ireland. Maybe I will go find a dram and take a break for 20 minutes....
Posted by Christina at 2022-10-20 20:32:21 UTC