Tasmanian Whisky Week Day 6. Today was a quiet day wondering around Salamanca Market and sampling a few drams for distillers who visit the market most weekends. This includes a few distilleries we had all ready visited. Then just a few minutes walk up a steep hill we visited one of the smallest distilleries in Tasmania. Battery point distillery. This distillery had one of if the not the best whisky of the week. Which is the Islay Cask a marriage of different Islay Casks and it is fantastic. Then we had a break before an amazing showcase with most of the distilleries from Tasmania. It was a great event and a chance to meet lots of distillers in one place. Also great to meet some of the amazing friends we have made over the week. After the event we visited The Gold Bar in Hobart for a few relaxing drams. One more event to go on n Sunday, Comedy and Drams. Will do a post with some pictures this week from all the events.

Posted by GaryHN at 2023-08-13 01:20:26 UTC