Tasmanian Whisky Week 2023 Day 4-5. Sorry for not updating sooner just been so hectic with driving around and events Day 4 started with a trip to a legendary bond store in Tasmania. Heartwood. Tim from Heartwood is amazing he makes big bold whiskies which have a legendary status around Australia and have won many awards. Here the guys tried over 10 spirts ranging from stuff still in the barrel to old releases and Absinth. After this it’s a short drive less then a KM to Overeem. Overeem is a family run distillery producing great whisky some recent releases include a 12 year old Bourbon Cask. While doing this tour the Godfather of Australian Whisky Bill Lark turned up with Dan Woolley of Highwayman whisky fame. This was great for all the people to meet Bill. A trip to the Overeem bondstore including having the option to bottle a bottle of Solera Cask. After Overeem we visited another new distillery Eden which we later found it we were the first visitors to the distillery since they opened the cellar door. Dale at Eden distillery has a great passion and is one place to keep your eye on. The evening was rounded out with the Founding distilleries night. Great evening hearing from people from Lark, Hellyers , Sullivans Cover and Overeem. Day 5 started with a short trip to Richmond and Killara Distillery. They had a Bourbon cask release for Tas Whisky Week. Next was a trip to Old Kempton then to the evening events. I first went to the meet the makers event which is like speed dating with distillers. Great event but I left early to visit another event

Posted by GaryHN at 2023-08-12 07:30:27 UTC